Lots has happened! Briefly, we went on a two week shakedown cruise through the San Juans. Turtle handled beautifully and there were only minor issues. General overview: we went from Sucia to Reid Harbor to Garrison Bay to Blakely Harbor to Bellingham to LaConnor to Blake Island to Shilshole.
I didn’t intend this as a cruising blog (it’s probably more of a “North Pacific 45 enthusiasts” blog), so I’ll spare the details there.
The boat handled beautifully in many conditions. Being able to make water and do laundry aboard is amazing. Fueling up, pumping out, docking, adding fresh water dockside – all are so much simpler than our old boat. I’m particularly surprised at how maneuverable the boat is at low speeds.
We’re in Shilshole for now while we find permanent moorage.
Meanwhile – a random gallery from the trip.